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Long Beach COVID 19

Thank you to the medical professionals, grocery store employees, delivery drivers, pharmacy workers, mail carriers, Long Beach Fire DepartmentLong Beach Police Department, nursing home employees and everyone else who is working to save lives and keep us all going right now.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!



To The Citizens and Businesses of the City of Long Beach,


As you all know, we are in the midst of an unprecedented National pandemic.  We are continuing to monitor  this situation and posting information to our website,, as we receive it.  You  may also access social media pages for the and



Be safe and continue to  follow the recommendations of the Center for Disease Control . We will get through this TOGETHER!

Paycheck Protection Program for Small Businesses

THE U.S. Chamber of Commerce has put together a simple explanation of this program. Attached or you can link to it here:


Unemployment Benefits

The Mississippi Department of Employment Security has a webpage

If People are having difficulty getting through online or on the phone direct them to



The U.S. Small Business Administration has designated COVID-19 as a qualifying event for the provision of Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL) for businesses and private nonprofits in declared zones. The Mississippi Small Business Development Center has several resources to help you learn more:


Back-to-Business Grant Program
$240 Million Grant Program for Small Businesses. Governor Tate Reeves and the Mississippi Legislature established the Back-to-Business Mississippi grant program to help small businesses recover from interruptions resulting from the pandemic. Businesses with 50 or fewer employees are eligible for grants up to $25,000. Of the $240 million available, $40 million of the fund has been designated for minority-owned businesses. Additionally, for the first 21 days MDA will give first priority to businesses that have not already receive assistance from the Small Business Administration.



City Hall - Municipal Court- Water Department -
Pubic Works - Library - Park and Recreaction

City Hall is open.


Long Beach Police Department lobby is open. Please call the station at 228.863.7292. Don’t call dispatch for information that is a 911 emergency line.


Long Beach Fire Department lobbies are closed. Please call the station to make an appointment or to get a burn permit if they are being permitted - 228.864.8451.


Water Department- 

City of Long Beach Water Department is open but you can still use our drop box located on the front of the building, pay by phone at NCOURT 1-800-701-8560, or our website You may contact our office at 864-8531 if you have any questions. 


Long Beach Municipal Court- 

Long Beach Municipal Court is open, mask are required and staying within the guidelines set by the state and local government.


The following procedures will be implemented:

Effective November 4th , 2021, Long Beach Municipal Court will return to regular court procedures.  All defendants should arrive prior to the docket being called on the date scheduled on the citation or arrest paperwork.  We will continue to follow all guidelines recommended by the CDC with social distancing and masks.  Only individuals with court business will be allowed into the courtroom.  Please refrain from bringing any additional people (including children) as they will not be allowed in the courtroom.   Should you have any questions, please contact the court at 228-865-7840 ext.1.


Building Department - 

Building Department is open.


Long Beach Public Library- 

Long Beach Public Library is open.


Long Beach Harbor - 

Beaches are open. Harbor and all fishing piers are closed due to damage from Hurricane Zeta 


Public Works- 

Public Works office is open. Please call the Public Works office to report any problems or requests – phone number is 228.863.0440. Public Works office hours are 7 a.m. – 3:30 p.m., but someone will be on call after hours, if an emergency arises.


Long Beach Park and Recreation-  Long Beach Senior Activity Center is open.


City parks, the dog park and the splash pad are all open although outdoor facilities are shared and cannot be sanitized in between use.




Long Beach MS, City Hall

201 Jeff Davis Ave

Long Beach, MS 39560





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