The City of Long Beach offers internships throughout the summer at the Long Bach City Hall located at 201 Jeff Davis Avenue Long Beach, MS 39560.
The 2025 Summer Internship will begin on May 19th and end on June 28th.
All intern candidates need to fill out the intern application. All applications must include a resume, interest statement, and three (3) letters of recommendation.
Complete applications should be scanned into one PDF in the following order:
1. Application Cover Page
2. Resume
3. Interest Statement
4. Recommendation Letter One
5. Recommendation Letter Two
6. Recommendation Letter Three
Applications must be emailed or dropped off at the Long Beach City Hall. Please put Summer Internship Application in the subjust line and email your entire application packet to courtney.cuevas@cityoflongbeachms.com.
Please refer to the intern application for information on the deadline.
If you have any questions about the program, you may contact the internship coordinator, Courtney Cuevas, at (228) 863-1556.
Download Application: PDF