Long Beach Services
New to our area and need to connect water, power, internet, phone, and cable then you have found the right place! Let us be your helping hand in finding the right resource to match your need. Browse the options and contact the provider of each service you are interested in and you are all set. Long Beach is positioned very nicely to take advantage of latest technologies in fiber data pipes, clean and renewable energy providers and much more.
404 Kohler Avenue
P.O. Box 929
Long Beach, MS 39560
(228) 863-0440 Office
Joe Culpepper - Director
Chris Hull - Superintendent Water & Sewer
Ricky Skinner - Shop Foreman
Jan Berry - Office Manager
Jennifer Fitchie - Office Manager Water Department
Pay water bill in person at:
201 Jeff Davis Avenue
City Hall, 1st Floor
(228) 864-8531
- OR -
To mail payment- send to:
City of Long Beach Water Department
P.O.Box 630
Long Beach, MS 39560
Direct Debit Cancellation Form
Direct Debit Authorization Form
Utility Partners operates all sectors of Long Beach's Public Works department including streets; water and sewer; vehicle maintenance; parks, recreation and cemetery. The scope of services includes street maintenance, sewage pumping station maintenance, water distribution and collection, all metering functions, and water billing.
A severe cold snap can lead to frozen or broken pipes, which can stop water service and be expensive to repair. Some steps to help you avoid such an emergency:
Know the location of your shut-off valve.
If you leave for the winter, or if you have an unoccupied house or building, notify the water department to turn off the water service. Drain your system, disconnect and drain garden hoses and in-ground irrigation systems.
Insulate any pipes or faucets that are located outside or in unheated areas.
If your pipes do freeze, place a warm towel or rag around the pipe or try a hair dryer with a low setting. Never thaw a frozen pipe with a torch or open flame. If your pipes break, shut off your water and water heater. If you are unable to locate the shut off valve, call Public Works at (228) 863-0440 for assistance.
HCUA Mailing Address
Harrison County Utility Authority
10271 Express Drive
Gulfport, MS 39503.
If you have any questions regarding this change, please contact our office at 228-868-8752. Thank you.
Solid Waste
Effective October 1, 2017, residents in the cities of Biloxi, D’Iberville, Long Beach, Pass Christian and all unincorporated areas of Harrison County will receive their garbage, recycling and trash pickups from the following contractors:
* Waste Management: Household garbage and recyclables.
* Pelican Waste: trash, debris and oversized items.
Residents will get all services – garbage, trash and recycling – on the following day based on the map below:
City of Long Beach schedule day for garbage, recycle, trash and debris is MONDAY.

Residents should use the 96-gallon brown HCUA cart for garbage and the 35-gallon green cart for recycling. Bagged garbage or recycling outside the carts will not be picked up.
Carts should be placed outside by 6:00 am on your day of service. The cart should be placed curbside with the handle facing your home. It should be placed at least two feet from vehicles, shrubbery, fire hydrants, mailboxes, etc. Do not block sidewalks or driveways or place carts in the street.
Trash (limbs, clippings, bulky items like furniture, etc) should be placed by the curbside. All leaves and grass should be bagged.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who do I call if I have questions or need to report a service issue?
HCUA has a dedicated phone number to handle all customer service related calls – (228) 701-9086. Simply follow the automated prompts for the service type you are calling about. Option 3 will take you to the HCUA offices to answer any other questions not covered in the phone menu selections.
Can I get a second cart?
Residents who would like a second cart can get one for $2.44 per month. Please call Team Waste at 228-328-1820 or order online at www.teamwasteusa.com. You will be billed annually by Team Waste for the second cart.
What will my bill be?
HCUA does not bill residents directly - they only manage the collection and disposal services and bill the cities and county. Bills are based on the number of customers in each city/county based on a house count that is conducted on an annual basis.
HCUA’s estimated bills to the cities and county is $14.33 per month per home for home services.
Residents will receive their bills from their respective city. Contact your City with regard to any possible changes to your current bill.
Residents in unincorporated Harrison County will continue to their garbage/recycle/trash bill included as part of their annual county taxes. For any questions regarding this assessment, please contact Harrison County directly.
What items can be recycled and how should they be disposed of?
CAN: Aluminum cans, plastic products (rated #1 to #3 – bottles, jugs, etc.), clean pizza boxes, garden plastics, flattened cardboard boxes, empty containers, glass and paper products such as newspapers, magazines, phone books, etc.
CANNOT: Plastic bags, foam or Styrofoam containers, wire hangers, windows, mirrors, ceramic or Pyrex dishes, organic or food waste, electronics, paint, pesticides, cleaners, waxed cardboard, needles or syringes, scrap metal or hazardous waste.
Rinse all aluminum, glass and plastic recyclables before placing them in your cart.
It is not necessary to remove labels from metal, glass, plastic jugs, cans and/or jars.
Recyclables should be put loosely in your HCUA provided cart. Do not bag them.
Where can I dispose of hazardous waste?
There are two household hazardous waste programs currently available for the citizens of Harrison County. Both programs are funded through Harrison County and the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ).
Monthly Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day: Held the 2nd Saturday of each month from 8am to 12pm at the Harrison County Road Department (next to the Sheriff’s Work Center) located at 10076 Lorraine Road in Gulfport.
Additional Tips for Waste Disposal & Conservation
Paints & Thinner Disposal: Paint cans should be empty and dry before disposing. Reduce the need for excess paint by only purchasing the amount you need or use it somewhere else or donate leftover paint to an area charity or civic group.
Yard Waste: Use your leaves in flower beds and below shrubs to act as a natural ground cover and soil enhancer.
Waste Reduction Tips: Look for products utilizing least wasteful packaging or recycled materials; avoid using disposable versions of razors, pens, lighters, batteries, and diapers whenever possible.; buy concentrates, “family sizes,” buik items and returnable containers to reduce packaging waste; buy products made from recycled products and products made from glass, metal and aluminum, as these products can be readily recycled.